Friday, February 9, 2007

may i introduce . . .

hi . . . i'd like to introduce myself. my name is cocoalulu (actually, colette elizabeth) . . . you can call me cocoa . . . or lulu, depending on the moment and who you are

welcome to my world . . . an oasis, i like to think . . . a place where one comes to consider . . . anything and eventually perhaps almost everything . . .

my musings usually begin with an everyday incident or observation, yielding most often to matters of style, physical as well as ethereal, and the thrill of discovering substance co-existing with form . . . a sublime, if seemingly rare, intersection

log in for a moment's reprieve and discover all manner of reflections, from the mundane to the academic, from the serious to the silly. in this virtual retreat, dear reader, is space to relinquish stress, consider more fully what lies beneath and reconnect with life's elegance . . .

stay tuned and enjoy . . .

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