Wednesday, February 21, 2007

this notion of space

greetings, dear reader . . .this notion of space keeps growing in my mind, taking some provocative twists and turns . . .so i must talk with you about it further . . .

'write into the unknown,' . . . the poet Hermine Meinhard (Bright Turquoise Umbrella, Tupelo Press, 2004) suggested to us last week . . . 'this is a space in which to experiment . . . begin to hear more deeply, learn to write into places that are new and unfamiliar . . . let yourself go without knowing where you are going . . .'

space . . . unknown, unfamiliar . . . often uncomfortable . . . because we don't know where we are going . . . it can be scary to let go into space . . . and for that, many of us never allow it to exist . . . filling our time to the brim, running from one must-do to another, exhausting ourselves in the effort . . .

my daughter lulu's soccer team comes to mind. they had to learn to take advantage of space . . .spread out, use the entire field, embrace the space . . . in order to play as a team . . .
it took time, several seasons, in fact. yet once they ceased converging on the ball and began allowing there to be space between players, they realized a new level of ability. It was exhilarating to witness, perhaps because it required trust . . . each player trusting her teammates as well as herself . . . discovering, once in the midst of it, space was not a deep abyss but, in fact, an empowering ally

now when lulu dribbles, she creates space where there appears to be none. exploiting the slightest of cracks between defenders, she dares to push through; she finds opportunity . . .

oscar, lulu's little brother, plays into the tiniest of breaks between defensive players on the basketball court. he trusts there is space there . . . as he dares to go in, he finds more and more . . .

space . . . it
begins as potential. . . and can be transformed through courage and determination into so much more . . .

there are so many dimensions in which to consider space . . .


Jenifer Madson said...

Love the idea of "embracing the space", seeing what comes of it, best ways to use it, enjoy it. Since every minute of my day isn't scheduled, I find myself needing to relax into open spaces of time and not rush to fill them. Am ordering the book - thanks for your thoughts.

marlo said...

Space...Your musings upon the potential space has to offer is refreshing and needed. It seems were are praised in this world for doing as much as one possibly can at the expense of really being..taking in all the beauty and hardship. Taking up space consciously. My family and I are standing in the space of the unknown and learning to breathe into all the wonderful possiblities...potential. Thank you for sharing your creative wisdom. It made me remember how much faith one must have to take space, create space and lean into space. I look forward to reading more!! with gratitude.

anmarie said...

I finally sat and really 'read' what you wrote, and I think it's wonderful. I plan to keep it in mind as I go through the next few days, and see what's all about the potential.